
 Articles in scientific journals

Other journal articles

Book chapters

  • ‘Scelta delle tecniche e mercato dei titoli in un modello stazionario con generazioni sovrapposte,’ in C. Conigliani; C. Vaquero Pineiro; D. Romaniello & A. Trezzini (a cura di), Giornate della Ricerca del Dipartimento di Economia di Roma Tre, 2023. Roma Tre-Press. ISBN: 979-12-5977-286-2. Doi: 10.13134/979-12-5977-286-2.
  • Incomes from capital in alternative economic theories’, in P. De Muro, S.M. Fratini & A. Naccarato (eds) Economics, Policy and Law, 2020. Roma: Roma Tre-Press. ISBN: 9791280060525.
  • ‘Surplus’, in H.D. Kurz & N. Salvadori (eds) The ElgarCompanion to David Ricardo, 2015. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. ISBN: 9781848448506
  • ‘Malinvaud on Wicksell’s Legacy to Capital Theory: Some Critical Remarks’, in E.S. Levrero, A. Palumbo & A. Stirati (eds) Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory, 2013. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. ISBN: 9780230355262.


  • Capitale e rendita. Due saggi di teoria economica. 2012. Roma: Aracne Editrice. ISBN: 9788854851573.

Edited books

  • Economics, Policy and Law (with P. De Muro e A. Naccarato), 2020. Roma: Roma Tre-Press. ISBN: 9791280060525.

Book reviews in scientific journals

  • Book review: Production, Value and Distribution: A Classical-Keynesian Approach, by E. Bellino, Review of Keynesian Studies, 2023, 5, pp. 47-51. Doi: 10.34490/revkeystud.5.0_47
  • Book review: Theories of Value from Adam Smith to Piero Sraffa, by A. Sinha, Contributions to Political Economy, 2011, 30, (1), 102-105. Doi: 10.1093/cpe/bzr007
  • Book review: Sraffa or an Alternative Economics, by G. Chiodi & L. Ditta (eds.),Contributions to Political Economy, 2009, 28, (1), 106-108. Doi:10.1093/cpe/bzp007